MOVE is an active and relaxed consortium of European National EV Societies (NEVS) who got together to foster MObility for Vesicles research in Europe (MOVE). Their overarching aim is to encourage communication between the societies at all levels of membership, with the purpose of promoting EV research and understanding across Europe. It is intended that MOVE activities will foster collaboration between members in different European nations and across different biological / biomedical disciplines, taking advantage of geographical proximity and expertise. NEVS are encouraged to participate in collaborative MOVE activities as far as they are able, or as far as their Board and Membership wish to, there is no minimum or maximum level of engagement required for a NEVS to be considered part of MOVE.
In this scenario, we are excited to announce the first MOVE symposium which will be held on 24-27th of October 2023 in Malaga, Spain. For this initiative GEIVEX (Spain), GSEV (Germany), UKEV (UK) and EVIta (Italy) are taking the lead and we expect that many EVs research groups from these and other NEVS will attend together with an outstanding group of international speakers.
This International Symposium will focus on novel concepts and clinical applications of EVs paying special attention to EVs as intercellular communicators (in health and disease) as well as in methodologies for the identification of biomarkers and therapy targets. To achieve productive discussions and maintain the excellent standards of our symposia, we are already working to provide a list of high-quality keynote speakers for each session.
Beyond all, we consider this MOVE Symposium in 2023 as an important opportunity to create and strengthen partnerships between professionals dedicated to EVs research, from both basic and clinical fields and to have the opportunity to meet the renowned speakers. The chosen venue will be the Auditorium of the Law Faculty of Malaga University (UMA).
We look forward to your active and enthusiastic participation in the meeting and to enjoy an exceptional location of the south of Spain.
Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors


Scientific Committee
Gloria Alvarez-Llamas, Fundación Jiménez Díaz Hospital (GEIVEX)
María Pardo Pérez, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria De Santiago (IDIS/SERGAS)(GEIVEX)
Basant Kumar Thakur, University Hospital Essen (GSEV)
Tobias Tertel, Institute for Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital Essen (GSEV)
Antonella Bongiovanni, National Research Council (CNR) of Italy (EVita)
Marina Cretich, National Research Council of Italy, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche (SCITEC-CNR) (EVita)
Stuart Hunt, University of Sheffield, UK
Naveed Akbar, University of Oxford (UKEV)
Wolf Holnthoner, Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Traumatology (ASEV)
An Hendrix, Ghent University (BESEV)
Alireza Fazeli, Estonian University of Life Sciences (BSEVs)
Saara Laitinen R&D Manager (FISEV)
Christian Neri, INSERM (FSEV)
Susana Santos, i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto (PNEV)
Ewa Zuba-Surma, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophyscs and Biotechnology, Department of Cell Biology (PSEV)
Pieter Vader, University Medical Center Utrecht (NLSEV)
Alicia Llorente, Oslo University Hospital (NOR-EV)
Marija Holcar, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana (SIN-EV)
Maja Kosanovic, INEP (Srb-EV)
Local Organizing Committee
María Isabel Lucena. Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain
Juan Manuel Falcón-Pérez. CIC bioGUNE-RTA,CIBERehd, Derio (Bizkaia)
Eduardo García Fuentes. Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain
Aurélie Papineau. Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain
International Organizing Committee
María Yáñez-Mó. Membrane Microdomains in Immunity Lab., CBM-SO/IIS-IP, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Bernd Giebel. Institute for Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Universtity of Dusburg- Essen, Germany
Charlotte Lawson. Royal Veterinary College, London, UK
Benedetta Bussolati. Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, University of Torino, Italy
Keynote Speakers
Call for Abstracts
The organizing committee invites authors to submit abstracts for on-site presentation within any of the topic listed below. Submissions are sought for oral and poster presentations. The scientific committee will select the high relevance abstracts to present as Oral Communication. Authors will have the opportunity to edit their abstract before publication. Because of attendance limitation at this event, the participation at the meeting may be limited to the people presenting accepted Abstracts. Additional details are outlined below:
All abstract must be written in English
All accepted abstracts will be published in the Proceedings Book
An author may submit a maximum of ONE abstract as first author.
The presenting author must be registered in the Congress.
Abstracts should be up to 300 words, written in English and uploaded in the platform
EVCNA Special Issue
The EVCNA Special Issue "EV Insight" welcomes the submission of full papers and review articles from the participants who will be presenting either oral presentations or poster presentations at the MOVE symposium. The goal is to compile a vital Special Issue showcasing new methods and their results in EV research across Europe, with a particular emphasis on Young EV Scientists, PhDs, and Postdocs. We furthermore look forward to receiving review articles from the invited keynote speakers. No article processing charge (APC) will be taken for this Special Issue. You find more info here => https://evcna.com/journal/special_detail/1578
Fundamental EVs biology
EVs in cancer
EVs in cardiovascular and metabolic disease
EVs in other complex diseases
Liquid biopsy and biomarkers
Advances in ev methodology
Evs in infection and immunity
Interspecies communication via EV
EVs-based therapy and translational medicine
Oral Communications
Oral Communications will be 7 mins of on-site presentation and 3 mins of questions.
The presentation must be done in English.
All presentations must be uploaded to the auditorium computer in .pdf or .ppt format prior to the start of the session (during coffee breaks or lunch breaks). The use of personal laptops will not be allowed.
Abstracts will be grouped by topics. A Chair who will provide comments on the field of research covered in the session highlight particular findings and stimulate Q&A.
Posters must be written in English and printed portrait format in A0 size
The poster exhibition will be divided into two separate days. On each day, authors whose posters are to be exhibited should hang them in the morning and remove them at the end of the sessions.
During the poster walk session the presenting author must be stand up close to the poster to inform about the poster and answer the questions from other researchers.
Key dates
Abstracts submission opening: May, 1st, 2023
Abstract submission deadline: June, 30th, 2023
Communication to authors: July 21st, 2023
Early bird registration deadline: September 15th, 2023
There will be awards for the best oral and poster presentations.
To formalize the participation you must fill the mandatory fields in the registration form. Payment could be made by bank transfer or credit card through the registration platform. If bank transfer is chosen, you must state clearly the invoice number received by email.
Registration fee
The registration fee for all requests received before September, 15th 2023 is 200€ (350€ for non-members). Registrations formalized from September 15th onward will receive a surcharge of 100€. The registration includes the attendance to all the presentations and communications announced in the program, congress pack, attendance and participation certificates, coffee breaks, lunches, wine and cheese posters walks and de symposium dinner.
Key dates
Abstracts submission opening: May, 1st, 2023
Abstract submission deadline: June, 30th, 2023
Communication to authors: July 21st, 2023
Early bird registration deadline: September 15th, 2023
Registration form
The number of attendees is limited to 400. Once the limit is reached, the form will automatically stop processing payments and all registrations will be put on a waiting list.

The symposium will take place from October 24th to 27th at the Faculty of Law (Facultad de Derecho) of the University of Malaga, located on the Teatinos campus (Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 26, 29071 Málaga)
How to get to the Faculty of Law
Metro: Line 1 (El Perchel-Andalucía Tech), 'Universidad' station (5 minutes from the venue). https://metromalaga.es/
Bus: Line 11 (Louis Pasteur-Dr. Gutierrez Mata), stop 'Faculty of Law' (‘Facultad de Derecho’) https://emtmalaga.es/
Taxi: There are tow main taxi companies in Malaga. UniTaxi (+34 952 333 333) and Teletaxi (+34 951 138 033)
How to get to Málaga:
Flying to Málaga: The Málaga-Costa del Sol Airport is one of the most important in Spain and has connections to major cities worldwide. Located just eight miles from the city's Historic Quarter, it is renowned for its modern terminals and extensive shopping areas. Málaga airport receives around 13 million passengers a year, making it the gateway to Andalusia. Currently, more than 60 airlines use its facilities.
Driving to Málaga: Highway A-45 (Antequera-Málaga) Access from the north must be done via the A-45 motorway (Antequera-Málaga), connected to the A-92 that crosses the Andalusian Autonomous Community and onto which the connections coming from the north of the country flow. The A-45 allows visitors to enter Málaga through Ciudad Jardín, to reach the city center, or opt for the West ring road that connects directly with the Teatinos campus.
By Train: The Vialia María Zambrano Central Station is located on Avenida de la Estación, in the heart of the city and just a 10-minute walk from the center of the capital. It connects with the airport directly through the C-1 line and is located 2 km from the Port of Malaga. It also connects with the Teatinos University Campus through Metro Line 1.
By bus: The bus station is situated in a central location and operates with companies that have routes to destinations to the cities and villages of Malaga, Andalusia and, at national level, all over Spain. Furthermore, it also operates with companies that serve routes to and from Europe and can even provide tickets and stop offs for the north of Africa.
Technical and Scientific Secretariat · Baobab Eventos · move@webcongreso.com